Novopay Retailer Agreement Pdf

Novopay is a leading digital payments platform in India that provides financial services to retailers, distributors, and customers. Novopay`s mission is to create a cashless India by empowering merchants and customers to transact digitally. One of the key ways that Novopay has been able to achieve this mission is by offering a range of convenient payments solutions to retailers who want to accept digital payments from their customers. In this article, we will explore the Novopay retailer agreement PDF and what it means for retailers.

What is the Novopay retailer agreement PDF?

The Novopay retailer agreement PDF is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the relationship between Novopay and its retail partners. This document details the obligations of both parties, the fees associated with using Novopay`s services, and the rights and responsibilities of both parties in case of disputes or other issues.

The retailer agreement PDF covers a range of topics, including:

1. Definitions: This section provides definitions for key terms used throughout the document, such as ”Novopay,” ”Merchant,” ”Transaction,” and ”Service.”

2. Obligations of the Merchant: This section outlines the responsibilities of the retailer, including maintaining accurate records, complying with all applicable laws and regulations, and complying with Novopay`s guidelines regarding the use of its services.

3. Fees and Payment: This section specifies the fees that merchants will need to pay to use Novopay`s services, including transaction fees and service charges. It also explains how payments will be made and when they are due.

4. Termination and Suspension: This section explains the circumstances under which Novopay may terminate or suspend a retailer`s account, including non-payment of fees, breaches of the retailer agreement, and fraudulent activity.

5. Dispute Resolution: This section outlines the procedures that must be followed if there is a dispute between a retailer and Novopay, including the use of mediation and arbitration.

Why is the Novopay retailer agreement PDF important for retailers?

The Novopay retailer agreement PDF is an essential document for retailers who want to offer their customers the convenience of digital payments. By signing this agreement, retailers agree to comply with Novopay`s guidelines and procedures for using its payment solutions. This ensures that transactions can be processed smoothly and efficiently, reducing the risk of errors or delays.

Additionally, the agreement provides a clear framework for resolving disputes and clarifies the fees and charges associated with using Novopay`s services. This helps retailers to understand the costs of accepting digital payments and enables them to make informed decisions about whether or not to use Novopay`s services.


The Novopay retailer agreement PDF is a key document that outlines the terms and conditions of the relationship between Novopay and its retail partners. By signing this agreement, retailers can gain access to a range of convenient digital payments solutions and ensure that their transactions are processed smoothly and efficiently. The agreement also helps to clarify the fees and charges associated with using Novopay`s services and provides a clear framework for resolving disputes. Overall, the Novopay retailer agreement PDF is an important document for any retailer looking to provide their customers with a cashless payment option.